Sunday, November 23, 2014


I would like to take this opportunity for the wonderful emails that I got.  I am speechless.  I had a wonderful time with friends at my place drinking and having a good chat.  It was so much fun.  Enjoyed it very much that they ended up crashing at my place.  This morning we had a great breakfast which one volunteered to cook for all of us. He always seems to cook breakfast when he spends the night at my place which is okay because he is pretty good at his cooking.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Its my bday tomorrow but celebrating it today and thank you for the calls that has been waiting for me when I got home from work.  5 wonderful phone calls.  It is very much appreciated.  Some beautiful emails too.  My plans for today or should I say evening would be something simple.  Stay home and relax with some Jameson whiskey and jaggermeister for shots.  I will be having some friends over as well. I did want to have a special night just to relax at home and not have to do anything with anybody, so got something to drink, which is some Guinness and jaggermeister for shots and had a quiet evening.  I do have some friends coming over later on tonight which would be nice.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Been swamped

Okay okay bitches, I had gotten some emails about where I hav been.  NO, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.  I know you guys have been missing me.  And I had gotten some special gifts from some of you.  Thank you.  I want to say thank you for those who sent out gifts for me which I deserve.  I just had been swamped for the past couple of months doing some traveling and working now that I'm back home I have to concentrate on Christmas holidays.