Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bookings for November to NY

Hey there slave boys,

I wanted to be sure to wish you a very Happy and Hellacious Halloween! I genuinely hope you all find a way to enjoy the day of debauchery and indulge your inner demons to their fullest!

Just in case you don’t get a chance to fully satiate your wicked side, I’m welcoming advance bookings (this weekend - Saturday and Sunday) for my trip to my New York Trip for the second week of November (11th).

While I’m very much looking forward to reconnecting with my NY perverts, some that I haven’t seen in several years so that would be great to see them again.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sub's view

So I recently met up with a Sub friend for the first time, after corresponding for a long time via email but not had met until recently.

I would say that he is an experienced Sub and has engaged in activities that some could regard as quite extreme. He is very well a strong, intelligent, professional man. I respect him professionally and personally. We met up for lunch.  It was lovely to meet him finally and to put a face to all the thoughts we had exchanged over the emails, to get a feel for that real personality rather than that projected by the written word which just seems superficial. The demeanour, the tone of voice.  We had talked openly and honestly about so many things.  Most of the things we talked about was unconnected to bdsm or Master D/s.  However, we did talk a little of Master D/s.

I took interest when he talked negatively and disparagingly of Doms who felt it inappropriate to show their emotions, as if this was somehow some kind of weakness that conflicted with their Master "Dom" image. Uh, is this inability to show emotion not actually itself a sign of weakness? He was also critical of Master Doms who had no interest in the pleasure of their Sub - ones who said the Sub should gain all his satisfaction from knowing that his Dom was gaining pleasure. He was clearly very unimpressed by such Master Doms and found this unacceptable even in a play setting.

I was quite struck by how much this coincided with my own views about the need for openness, honesty and mutual respect and care.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Kneeling slave

I placed a cushion by my feet and asked him to kneel for me.  He had knelt for me many times before. However I had never been there when he had done so. My instructions to him had been through emails.

Now he was kneeling in front of me for the very first time.  At my instruction he had fetched something that he used to wear as a symbol of his submission to me. I attached it to him. He was mine again.  I took his hand. I held it firmly in one hand and stroked it gently with the other.

I felt happy and at peace with him there before me. I felt a sense of power and a gentle warm glow. I had imagined this scene for so long. It was different from in my imagination - but so wonderful for its reality.  I desired him so much.  I talked of complications and issues for us both. He understood all that as well as I.  I stroked his head.  I wanted him.  I hoped he wanted me too.  At last.  Kneeling.  Before me.  Such a precious gift.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A sexy slave

I had undressed him. He was standing naked before me. He looked embarrassed and had his head down. I made him lift his head proudly.

"You are a sexy slave. What are you?"

"I am a sexy slave Master," he replied nervously, unconvinced.

Soon he was looking down again so this was repeated.  Later we were in bed together naked and happy.  I looked into his bright and sparkling eyes.

"What are you?"

"I am your sexy slave."

The smile on his face as he spoke was the most beautiful you can imagine. I can see it still.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Not such a kind Dom

I want to beat him.  I'm not feeling angry or cross. I don't want to take out any frustrations on anyone.  No, I just want to see his bottom wriggle and his legs kick as it starts to get harder for him.

I want to take him close to that point where given a choice between saying "please hit me harder" and "please stop" he was almost ready to plead, "please stop." Perhaps I will take him right up to that point.

Then I will stroke and caress his bottom and kiss it gently.  I will then take him in my arms and hold him tight and hug her close.  I will look into his sparkling eyes and bask in his beautiful smile.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Are you ready to be owned?

I know you can't help yourself from admiring me who grabs everyone's attention when walking in a room.  I will strike up a conversation and get you flirting with the idea of serving and becoming my slave. Your Submissive side comes out and you find yourself wanting to worship and respect me.

Are you ready to kneel naked before your Master? to bend forward to kiss my boot? Are you ready to be owned body and soul? Are you ready for be used for StudBear's pleasure? If any of those answers were yes then expect to obey.  Really, am I so mean?  Only if you deserve it.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hot men

Thank you to all who responded with such kind comments to the posts in my other webpages.  I wonder if the subs who commented, with the permission of course of their Masters, might carry out this task for me. Any other subs who feel like giving it a try are welcome to join in!  Are you ready?  Here goes.

Look into the mirror and say all together.

one . . .two . . .three . . .

"I am a hot man."

Well done. Thank you.  Good boys.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I occasionally visit Fetlife site.  When I first went on it about 2 years ago, I was up all for it, but then noticed and had discovered there are a lot of DRAMA with many Subs with attitude, oh and especially with the so called Mistresses.  Makes me wonder if they really call themselves Mistresses or just there to take the piss.

I'm not sure why as I've mostly found it to be a complete waste of time but it can become strangely addictive in a way that I had noticed and discovered there are a lot of DRAMA with a lot of the Mistresses.  Sometimes I wonder if they just have profiles on there to just goof off.  I tell you this, we Masters and Mistresses DO NOT go for that funny business.  We are serious with our work.  Fetlife could be a bit of a "meat market".  I know some who have been hurt by people who had met there but others who made some real friendships.  I do feel sorry for those who have been hurt by those people.  I am pleased to hear the wonderful stories from those who had made some real friends on there.  I personally had met a few people on there and of course assholes too.  Lets just call them misfits because all they do is follow your groups and make some stupid immature remarks.  Sorry but StudBear doesn't work that way.

At the weekend, I had far too much time on my hands and found myself responding to profiles on Fetlife.  I exchanged a few messages with this one Sub who was far too young but yet beautiful fella to really be interested in me.  Just kind of makes me wonder.

Who knows when the next time I will be back on Fetlife.